Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Warm Day in February

We enjoyed a fun day when the sun came out and the
wind was high, but bearable.

Royanne wanted to play with Pokey,
but ended up running back and forth
on the deck instead.

She wears sunglasses a lot. I
thought it was a cute trait, so I
went to the party section of a local
hobby store, and got a bunch of
different colors. Fifty cents each!

Here we were talking about getting the last
head of broccoli from our plant.
I was wearing an ankle brace, which was
why we didn't venture to the park.

While outside, Annie "hurt" herself, too.
I couldn't find my short ace bandage, so
I used something else, along with a rubber
band. She played hurt and pained about an
hour, after which she removed it and said it
was all better! Oh yeah, and while laid up, she
had to wear a nightgown!

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