Saturday, June 19, 2010


This is not really funny, but it is.

I have been trying to make Royanne understand
to not drink from just any cup. I've been trying to
tell her lost and then found cups won't
hold anything appealing.
Last night she ran across a water bottle on a
strap from the Cameron Zoo. She picked it up
and drank from it.

Her dad doesn't know to not put anything in those
type of cups except water, because they are
hard to wash. It was clabbered milk!
She was distracted by the movie Babe (about the pig),
and she swallowed before she realized what she'd
tasted. Of course, she screamed, and I came

She cried some - unusual for her - and then we went about
finding something to take the taste away. We settled on a
LifeSavers mint.

She later told me, "Momma, my taste still hurts".

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