Friday, January 15, 2010

Playing With Kayleigh

Right before Christmas, Wesley, Brandy and
Kayleigh came through our area on their way
to Wes' mom's.

We had lunch and the girls played. Kayleigh
was tired of being in the car, so after a bit,
we took them to MAACO and the girls ran
around and around and around the shop. They
had a blast!

On January 2, we went to Ft. Worth to celebrate
Kayleigh's second birthday. Brandy and Wesley
had her party at The Little Gym.

I used this opportunity to reinforce in
Royanne's mind she cannot go to gymnastics
until she is fully and totally potty trained!
She is absolutely capable, she just exercises her
ability to fail, and therefore, control that
part of her life.

She had a lot of fun falling to the mats.

Connor, as always, was fearless!

Royanne wanted to do what Connor did,
with the help of daddy.

Like I said, she wants to do what
Connor does!

Cake and ice cream!

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