Before Royanne was born, when we didn't want to tell anyone her name, so we said her name was Ella Sue. After she was born, and we announced her name, Mom said she knew it was going to have "Roy" in it somewhere. She had even written down some of her guesses and placed them in a sealed envelope. We struggled with several derivatives of Roy (the first being Roix, like the island St. Croix) but then settled on a spelling that wouldn't give her grief all her life.
After issues with the epidural not working on one side for several hours, here came our sweet darling baby girl. She was so small! So delicate! When she creid, I cried. I cried from overwhelming joy!
Dr. Paul Bushart was the best doctor anyone could ask for. Always attentive, always positive.
He kept my spirits up throughout the pregnancy when we had problems with gestational diabetes, swollen feet, carpal tunnel syndrome, and afterwards, the high blood pressure and excruciating headaches.
Abby and Liam, Kay's younger children, came the day after we got home to check out the baby. Liam used his doctor kit.
Abby was very proud to hold Royanne, and made lists about all that she would teach her in the years to come.
Liam was very taken with Royanne.
Royanne, from the beginning, has displayed her hands and fingers as if she is one of Bob Barker's girls on 'The Price Is Right'.
There are the little feet that I felt kick and dance from within. She has finally grown into them.
Even from the beginning, Royanne has been very alert.
For Royanne's first (month) birthday, we had a little celebration. Abby and Bruce made pink cupcakes. We were doing fine with our little bits of sleep. Of all the people who are strangers that comment on her, about 80% assume we are the grandparents. When we are correctly called the parents, I surely thank them!
I waited for this angel for so long.
This was from a night Ro did not want to go to sleep. She wanted to stay awake. Before she was born, she was most active between 10 p.m. and 1 a.m. This is still pretty much true.
Still burning the candle.
Ro at 2 months. This was the day she went to get some of her immunizations.
Royanne loves her Bumbo chair. As soon as she was able to hold her head up, this was my chair of choice for her.
Discovering toes.
Ro at 3 months. I think by then she was getting used to having her picture taken!
This is from another day I spent marveling her. By October, her laughs were intentional.
Royanne discovered her thumb for self-soothing.
Whenever I put a headband on her, Bruce starts singing 'What A Feeling' from the movie