Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Super Governor

Annie told me she was watching a Superman cartoon
and Superman said Governor Rick Perry was a darn nice guy.

She heard his name on the radio and I guess she remembered? lol lol

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

New Songs

There's a new song at our house: Lady Bug Drops of Glue. And it goes like this: (to the tune of 'If you're happy and you know it')

"A little dot of glue holds a lot.
A little dot of glue holds a lot.
Don't wear it!
Don't waste it!
Don't smear it!
Don't taste it!
A little dot of glue holds a lot!"

Sunday, September 30, 2012


During our outing today, somehow we ended up close to PetSmart.....long story short, we came home with a 13-month old chocolate lab.

Momma must need her head examined!

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Misconduct Report

Can you be livid when your child comes home with a misconduct report?
How can you expect a child to know when gym shoes are required
when no notification was ever sent?

Some notice would be nice, GISD! She was mortified! She was fussed at
with no defense.

Raising Children

Part of the reason I go to my MOM2MOM meetings is to learn from ones that have already been where I am, to listen to others in distress, to lend a shoulder, give some sort of advice or support. I ran across this from a posting from my friend Julie J., and it really sums up what I am here for. I hope I remember! *** “The world may not applaud us for wiping running noses, driving in carpools, or talking with our teenager into the wee hours of the morning. And until they are trained, our children might not thank us either. But as we set aside our own selfish desires and glorify God by joyfully serving our children, we are pursuing true greatness according to the Bible. Let us do so with tenderness, affection, and with a smile!” – Carolyn Mahaney"

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

The Bunions

The long version: So, this morning I had to put two different high tops on Annie, one size 10, one size 11 a total of 6 times, with three sock changes. Dang those sock seams! Just a few weeks ago she wore the pink size 10s but this morning they were too small. So, I pulled down a bin from the closet shelf to reveal black sparkly ones, size 11. (I love clearance sales at The Children's Place in Hillsboro)
So, I was pretty frustrated because lacing and unlacing, providing the surface for which she was pushing against, pulling up the zippers, was really wearing on my two thumbs and my arthritis. I told her she had to wear them until we got to school because she was about to have her first tardy, and that I would put her brown ones with Velcro (BORING!) in her backpack.
When I picked her up after school, I waited across the street at the benches in the little grassy area until I could stand it no longer. The kinder kids sit on the porch & watch for their parents that walk up, while other parents drive up to gather their kids straight to their cars, and their presence blocks Annie from seeing me. I had waited long enough! So, I broke the rule and went over to the porch (the rule keeps ciaos and parents at bay)  and her teacher, Mrs. K told me that the shoes were cute and all, but that they really hurt her feet, too bad she didn't have others to change into. I said, "Oh, but she DID!" Royanne claimed she didn't know. So, in the car, Royanne showed me her two band-aids, and she said she got them for her bunions. I said "you mean blisters" and she said, "I"m on my feet all day and I just hate the bunions!!"

Thursday, August 30, 2012


Royanne knows this commercial and its catchy tune .
"Call JG Wentworth, 877-CASH-NOW!!!!"
Thinking I let R graduate from Nick Jr. (no commercial
interruptions) too early:
"Mom, let's go home and snuggle: where clothes stay fresh for 14 days!"

(she loves commercials)

Friday, July 20, 2012

Make Up !!!

                                                       She pronounces herself beautiful.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

This mom's freaking out!

Friday, April 6:
Royanne and our neighbor and friend, Jordan, have been
having lemonade stand sales. They do pretty well.
During a lull, Royanne was refreshing herself with a
cool drink and crunching on the ice when a bottom tooth
popped out! Luckily Jordan knew what it probably was
when Royanne shrieked, and she brought the
tooth to me. I was really freaking out on the INSIDE!
For weeks she has been complaining about her bottom
teeth hurting when I brush them, but I was sure
she was trying to cut the sessions short. I never
DREAMED she had a loose tooth!!! Well, now one
next to the one that fell out is loose, so I made a
dentist appointment.

Monday, March 5, 2012


We went to the park at the rec center last night, to the big
wooden play scape. We took the scooter, the box
kite, remote control cars. Fun times. Royanne saw
Evan and Miss Becky. We all stopped to visit, the
time to leave put off for more play and conversation,
only to have an accident! Royanne was running, looking
into the sun and ran right into a support board, a 1 X 4.
I didn't know what had happened, due to the sun's
interference, until I saw her feet flying up in the
air, slow motion. (It was just like the time Liam pushed
her down the stairs, just to see what would happen,
he said. BOYS!)

She cried really hard and loud but was also worried about
having to go pee-pee. Once home and settled, (but not
bathed due to wanting to keep her from getting a
second wind), we cuddled and watched tv. She kept
asking why the room was jumping. A call to the nurse
told us she probably had a concussion. I checked her
pupils, everything was A-ok.

Bruce and I took turns checking on her,
unbeknownst to the other: it's a miracle she was awake at 7:30.
She probably got woken up 6-8 times!

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

What I Really Need

I was driving with only a pinky while I was peeling a clementine orange for Annie. She wanted it back to tear in 2 pieces. I pretended like I was crying and said "you don't need me!" She said "yes I do. I always need you. I need you to pour my milk. and get me my movie. and for quarters and to cuddle."

Tuesday, February 14, 2012


Upon awakening,
"Mom, my throat is sore. I didn't even drink my chocolate milk!"
.......later on........
"I think I have neck allergies."

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Homemade Beef Jerky

Royanne was at MAACO for 4 hours while I was running
errands. She "helped" Alfredo tape cars and was
eating the homemade beef jerky by cousin Stephen.
She told me it was awesome
and spicy and gave me a thumbs up!!!
I love the fact that she isn't afraid
to try new foods.