Tuesday, October 26, 2010


R: Tell me sumtin 'bout when I was in your tummy, momma? Please?"
M: I ate a lot of graham crackers, salad, grapes and cheese."
R: OH! I love cheese, I love pregnant cheese the best! It has chips in it.

Junk, plain and simple

She's a mini-me.
When something doesn't work right, or it
gets the better of her and frustrates her,
she says,
"It's just a piece of junk!"

Monday, October 25, 2010

Halloween Candy Aisle Quote

And I quote:

"I have chosen my God for
setting his life on me."

Pedicure...... OUTSIDE!

Remember the day at Kay's when the girls wanted to
paint their nails and Kay put down an old shower
curtain in the kitchen? Well, I don't have one of
those, but I did have another option:

Nosey Pokey!

After I finished taking a few pictures, she'd
put several kinds, one on top of the other,
on her toes and her fingers!
Then she scratched her neck,
as I shouted "NOOOOOOOO!"

It's no fun getting gummy, tacky polish out of hair!!

T-Ball (at home)

Bruce came home with this, and I thought he was
C*R*A*Z*Y, but it has given us a lot of fun!

She was all over the place, so he drew around her
feet with chalk so she'd know where to stand.

And then he drew around the T-ball base.

I had to convince her she could hit the ball a lot more
times if she moved from the waist up, and didn't
step out to meet the ball.

Here she is proud of her progress!

Not too thrilled with (more) tips,
this time, from her daddy.

Giving in to instructions.

Close, but missed.


Stepping out of the traced placement......
just tired of this for now..............

....moving on to what she's already mastered!

Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego

Sunday afternoon, after Home Group and a few errands,
this ole momma was whooped. I decided to take a
nap while Bruce and Royanne were outside.
A lot of times, my week catches up with me on

As we were doing those dreaded errands,
(dreaded when you have a sleepy 3 year old with you),
Royanne was telling me about the furnace and
Shadrach, Meshach and Adednego. Except she
couldn't remember how to say Shadrach.
So she was just leaving him out.
She told us about the hot furnace and how
the mean man tried to burn them.
How the angel protected them.
I said, "What book is that in?"
She didn't remember.
I said, "Daniel. They were Daniel's friends."
I said, "Who was the King?"
She didn't remember.
I said, "Nebuchadnezzar."

After the last errand, she fell asleep, so we made
2 more unplanned stops, and Bruce went in alone.
He was looking for one last item to complete a
Halloween costume.

Once home, Bruce and R went outside and I headed
for the bed. I heard them come in and out and R
told me they were going to go down the street
so she could ride her bike.

During the next few hours, their noises faded in and out;
I was so tired!
When I woke up, Bruce relayed this story to me:

He said they'd tried to wake me a few times because
R wanted to tell me about her experiences down the
road. She'd spotted a small seed of some kind as she was
riding, and she made Bruce stop right there and
dig a hole and plant it in someone's yard. She'd
been greeted by one of the ladies we see on a
regular basis, walking her miles, as we are outside in the
front yard. They always have a little conversation. Bruce
wondered why this stranger stopped to chat, but I told
him it must be our walker-friend.
He said she talked non stop the whole time.
She really had a lot to say about Meshach and
Abednego. Everytime he'd tell her, "You've left out
Shadrach!" and she'd say, "Oh yeah!"

This is where it gets funny: when they came back
in, R said she was 'really sweaty' and and wanted to
take a bath. Bruce suggested a shower would be better,
and she agreed. She announced that Meshach &
Abednego were going to take a shower with her.
He said, "You've left out Shadrach."
She said, "Oh, yeah!"
She talked to them and soaped them up real well.
When she got out to dry off, she asked for
another towel for them, a hand towel.
She said she'd need a big towel for herself,
and dried them one at a time.

After all were refreshed, she continued to play with
them. She went and got her doll that giggles,
a ball and her puppy, Pepper. She put them in the bed
with me and told Bruce they were all going to
'watch a little TV'. He told her to move the ball that
was up against my back, and she told him no, that
"Abednego wants to sleep with momma."
Shadrach and Meshach were the other two toys,
I guess.

I wonder where Daniel was?

Friday, October 22, 2010

Big Words & Phrases

Big words: small kiddo.

(training wheels on a Peppa the Pig DVD)

"Momma, ever see an elephant wearing a hat?
HA! Definitely not!"

"I definitely don't see that!"

Royanne 5:1

Occasionally, we end our day piled up in the bed,
watching some DVD of Royanne's together.
Last night she was jumping all over the bed, not
at all interested in settling down one bit.
We were watching a DVD about Jonah, and
the child commentator, for lack of a better
word, was reading scripture and giving the
chapter and verse.

Bruce said, " In the book of Royanne,
chapter 5 verse 1, it says you should curl
up next to your daddy and watch the movie."

Not missing a beat, she says, "Well, in Esther 5:18,
it says I should lay down next to momma!"


Monday, October 18, 2010

Going to the Halloween Store

...Unsure what is real and what isn't.....

She really was amazed by the zombie babies!

She kept going back to them!

STEP HERE: She jumped!

This is her reaction to the one that crawls after you
(motion sensor)

Creepy body parts.

Getting used to the one that follows ya!

Roll it Down!

Royanne uses her foot to lower the window when
she desires. Gotta love those power windows!
I have to keep the LOCK switch in the on
position, because the window down, with the wide
wheels on the Acura, hurts my ears.

The window was locked, and she said,
"Momma, put the window down
to the ground, please"

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Castle In The Corner

Above is an example of what I desired for R's
room. Bruce went to look at it and pretty much made
it exactly, except for the color.

Room before..............

Kitchen construction


a shot underneath

bed fits underneath, slats ready

experimenting with the height, bringing things up

Here, trying out the ladder. I really like the
ladder. After he made it, he took it to
MAACO and John painted it for me so
it wouldn't have any runs.

Mattress covered, with her favorite rainbow material,
pillow made, shelf equipped with CD player and CDs....
she loves it! She slept up there the first night
it was completed. It took forever to paint ....
all those slats!!!

Bed and castle mattress both have the same rainbow
material. The bed's is a blanket, the mattress "upstairs"
is covered in it. I made a pillow slip type enclosure,
and sewed it closed by hand. This way, I can remove
it and wash it .

This picture was before the ladder was
permanently attached. Across the entry,
which could be a little painful, is a sheep
skin compliments of Aunt Kay, from


Area for the babies, their beds, table, etc.
Currently the play kitchen is outside the bedroom door,
in the hall. It gives her more bedroom room until I decide how to
find more play room. We might change around all the whole
house, cramming the office into our bedroom.