Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Eating and the Clean Up


Don't leave anything unattended, even for a second!

We were about to read on the couch (I was going to have a small snack), I got up to get a different book and she grabbed and emptied the bag!

Good food.........Happy baby!

On her 6 month wellness visit, the pediatrician told us to introduce solids when Royanne began to be interested in what we were eating, when she began to reach for something on our plate or watch us chew our food. As if on cue, she began this behavior immediately.

Rice cereal was our first choice, quickly followed by (baby food style) peas, applesauce, green beans, squash and sweet potatoes. We tried fresh avocados: a direct hit! Mashed potatoes bored her. Yogurt got a sour face right away! Peaches were next & accepted.........& turns out are the only thing added to yogurt that will not get us an "ICK! face". She likes baby food bananas but not fresh ones. We have enjoyed watching her facial expressions at new taste experiences.

Finger foods we have tried have been rice, green beans (no strings!), and small tidbits of rice pasta.
Her face still lights up when she sees a bottle and she continues to nurse a few times a day. She has had no desire to use a starter drinking cup. She likes water but only if it has a bit of fruit juice added.

Bruce does most of the cooking and insists he will make the majority of her food. The first try was peeling & cooking apples, making applesauce AND apple juice. It was a success!

This is a peas and squash face!



So far, just about every meal has ended in a bath; sometimes bathtub, sometimes kitchen sink.

Ro shrieks with glee and kicks her feet.

Bathing is hard work and she needs a break and a cool drink.

1 comment:

Amy McCown said...

The look on her face is so funny in the first picture. Caught in the act. She looks like such a happy baby.