Thursday, November 18, 2010

Dental Dent

Captain's Log: Wednesday evening 6:05 p.m.

All week, last week, when Bruce and I were at the convention, just a minor
bump on her head. After an afternoon of playing with the football, jumping from the fort and playing on the swings......

Royanne and Liam collided. Liam was left unhurt, but Royanne was sent flying into a low teak table, and her front tooth and the one next to it were both jammed up ¼ inch and back ¼ inch. There were e few big blood drips on the floor, Kay was trying to get the blood off at the sink to see how bad it was, I was trying to keep my composure……

We went to Williamson Seton on 1460. Luckily she didn’t have a big tear in her lip – I thought she must have, and initially, I thought her teeth had come through her upper lip. Which, in retrospect, would have been better, because now she most likely have these crooked teeth until the permanent ones come in. The emergency room was $1310, so I am not going to a dentist until I note a change in her injury. She is in bad pain, ”hates the taste of pain reliever” --- in her words --- and won't take any. Tried to give some to her last night and it came right back up. Poor sweet girl! But she was a trooper. She cried herself to sleep on the way to the emergency room, and was brave with the triage nurse and the doctor. Now, I have to get her to eat something. First the ear ache with the blister on the ear drum on Tuesday, and now this!
Mom said Abby and Liam were still very upset when she got back from the hospital (she drove us).

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