Tuesday, September 11, 2012

The Bunions

The long version: So, this morning I had to put two different high tops on Annie, one size 10, one size 11 a total of 6 times, with three sock changes. Dang those sock seams! Just a few weeks ago she wore the pink size 10s but this morning they were too small. So, I pulled down a bin from the closet shelf to reveal black sparkly ones, size 11. (I love clearance sales at The Children's Place in Hillsboro)
So, I was pretty frustrated because lacing and unlacing, providing the surface for which she was pushing against, pulling up the zippers, was really wearing on my two thumbs and my arthritis. I told her she had to wear them until we got to school because she was about to have her first tardy, and that I would put her brown ones with Velcro (BORING!) in her backpack.
When I picked her up after school, I waited across the street at the benches in the little grassy area until I could stand it no longer. The kinder kids sit on the porch & watch for their parents that walk up, while other parents drive up to gather their kids straight to their cars, and their presence blocks Annie from seeing me. I had waited long enough! So, I broke the rule and went over to the porch (the rule keeps ciaos and parents at bay)  and her teacher, Mrs. K told me that the shoes were cute and all, but that they really hurt her feet, too bad she didn't have others to change into. I said, "Oh, but she DID!" Royanne claimed she didn't know. So, in the car, Royanne showed me her two band-aids, and she said she got them for her bunions. I said "you mean blisters" and she said, "I"m on my feet all day and I just hate the bunions!!"

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