Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Latest Play Date With Liam

Liam came over real early a week ago Friday, and he
wanted to wake Royanne up so bad! So, I set
the timer so he'd know when it was O.K. to do so.

She was so glad to see him! Sometimes she calls
him Abby. I think she thinks Abby and Liam are
a set, and they are called ABBY.

We planned a lot for the day; first we'd go
outside on the deck and ride a while, then we'd
play in the sandbox, then the water table.
Afterwards, we'd have lunch & then practice
our golf techniques and run through the
sprinkler, if it wasn't too windy.
(It wasn't so we did!)
When his clothes were drying,
they watched a video.

Silly boy!

Her bangs are getting so long, and they
poke her in the eyes.

This is Liam's way of picking up the baby.

Liam pretended to have a crash and fell off the
truck with much dramatization, and it
kind of scared Royanne, and she
almost started to cry.

Here it appears he is telling her that it
is all a game, and how to play it. When they
play together, he's talking a mile a minute,
explaining the details of their next adventure
as they pretend this or that. She listens even though
she doesn't understand everything he says.
When I told him she didn't really understand,
he said "Sure she does, she plays soldiers really good!"
Well, O.K., then!

Here Liam is moving in for the

This time she copies and plays along, but I am
sure she doesn't know what she's doing it for!

Belly crash.

Second crash. Liam is drama filled, Ro.....
........not so much!

Playing in the water. She was soaked!

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