Thursday, February 18, 2010

Out With The Old

This pink and purple kitchen is Royanne's second.
The first one she had was about 18 inches tall. It was
blue, yellow and green. She played
with it when she was 18 months old.

As she and her daddy spend a lot of time
in the kitchen, she really uses her imagination
in her bedroom, playing in her kitchen.

This day, she was playing with a blender
she got for Christmas from her dad's cousin Steven.
Steven likes to cook as much as her daddy.
It is gonna be in her blood!

Wider view of the imagination station!

Abby gave Royanne her old kitchen.
Can you imagine, Annie is 2 years old and on her
third kitchen! This one has a lot more
drawers and cabinets, along with a
microwave and phone!
She played with it often at Abby's, and Abby
offered it to Royanne.

Two night ago she asked me if I wanted
some Chinese food. Then she was off,
to make it!

Now that the bathroom door is left open to
facilitate better potty training, she climbs up
on the counter and gets water from the sink
for her kitchen whenever she wants it.
I'm not crazy about that, but I am letting it
slide because I am ready to bid the diapers

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