Saturday, August 9, 2008


Maybe it IS my fault. This was taken in November.
Royanne's shoe collection at that time.

Ever since Royanne started to walk, I knew I was going to
have to have shoes for being in public. I wasn't sure how she was
going to walk in them, because when I had tried her at it,
she didn't do such a good job.
If I didn't let her down, she was going to go balistic:
I could see it coming.

At church on Wednesdays, we have a sandwich dinner
beforehand in the gym, and I was hesitant to let her
run amuck barefooted. She really wanted to get out
there and run around with the other kids.
So, I asked Dylan's mom, Diann.
Dylan is a few weeks older than Royanne, and he is a
pro at walking in shoes!
She told me to just put them on her and let her practice.
Well, a few days later we did and she had
it down in NO TIME! She is
always amazing me!

So, just for fun, we put on the shoes she already had one day,
some of them hand-me-downs, just waiting to fit,
to see how she fared.

Boots, from Mimi....currently too big, but good for
this photo op!

Trying her best to walk in them with some dignity.

She likes them!

White tennies. These are "size 2".
Stride Right said she was a 4.
Go figure!

Black patent leather, from Abby. She grew right through these.
They were too big in the winter,
(What? Winter in Texas?....PLEEEEEEEEEAASE!!)
and now, when she needs them, toooooooo small!

Red patent leather rain boots!
Do YOU have a pair?

(Her niece has a matching pair!)

Purple and green sandals!

Navy blue tennies!

Too cute!

(Notice she already has a phone habit)

Every girl needs her own golf shoes!

Fake shoes.

Then there's the silver shoes from Easter.

Easter-egg-hunt bunny slippers.

I don't want to get dressed up today, thanks.

Shoes from Aunt Tammy and Uncle Darrell
for her birthday. By now, she is a pro and she was SO PROUD
when she first walked in them!

Navy blue shoes from Aunt Janice and Uncle Joe for her birthday.
After everyone had gone, she was looking at her
presents, and she was really excited about her shoes.

And I was thinking.................................

Where it all began: red Mary Janes for Christmas!
(She was studying them real hard).

1 comment:

Bekki said...

She is starting out on the right foot! lol
In the picture of all the shoes - I love those orange converse!
I didn't realize that there would be many more shoe fashion shows! LOVE LOVE LOVE the red patent leather rain boots - soooo cute and funny. I have never seen the ballerina faux slippers - only faux mary janes. Those are darling!
I think you are fine with the shoe obsession - its when shoes start costing $20+ - that's when its dangerous!! Trust me - I am a relapsed addict. LOL