Saturday, June 14, 2008

She Loves Fruit More Than Ice Cream

The other night after church, everyone stayed to have an ice cream buffet!
I had the camera with me and got a good picture of Liam
having an ice cream cone.

As I came back outside, I saw Bruce and Royanne
were on the blanket, having some ice cream. Royanne L-O-V-E-S
ice cream! She had an issue with food related diaper
irritation, so we bought soy ice cream. No matter, she loves
that also. Sometimes on the way from Bruce's doctor
appointments we get ice cream cones and he'll sit in the
back seat and share with her.

Here she is at home putting the soy ice cream loaded
spoon to her mouth. Imagine my surprise and shock when the next night,
(as seen below) she preferred a pear with dad to
ice cream!

(Notice the tippy-toes!)

1 comment:

Amy McCown said...

As always, the pictures are so cute. I love the ones of her getting ice. That is so fun that she has so many cousins close. Layton always likes looking at her pictures on the blog. I hope that Bruce is doing better.