Thursday, March 12, 2009

Daddy's Day Off


They started their day off planting seeds.
Royanne doesn't understand, of course, planting,
but she has a lot of fun playing in the
dirt and helping her daddy.

They seedlings are now on top of the
fridge so they stay sort of warm. She
knows they're there. Might not know
what they are for, but she knows where they are.

Pretending to count. You remember....
1-2-3........8-9-10 !

Poking them in with planting tweezers.
* * *

There's a new walkway in town, and it
is about time we used it!
So, we got the wagon, some water,
some snacks, a golf ball retriever (we'd be
near the golf course, so why not!), Elmo
and the silky. Off we go!
As you can see, we found a few
golf balls.

Royanne decided she wanted to walk
a spell, and even offered to assist
with pulling the wagon.

She got bored, dropped the handle

and ran ahead, laughing.

She happily posed for a picture.

And another.

Collecting rocks.

Helping by pushing.

Throwing the collection.

Starting a new collection.

Heading towards the playground at the
end of the journey.

Can I really make it all the way up?

Looks very big to a little kiddo.


* * *

1 comment:

prayerful mommy said...

What a great day! We want to start a garden too! But I have to admit I don't know the first thing about it- I am going to look something up online I guess ( :