Saturday, March 20, 2010

Growing Up

Last night we were playing in Royanne's room.
She was making dinner with dried navy beans & red
lentils (great play food, by the way!)
and I started to pretend cry.

She said, MOMMA! What's wrong?!"

As I held a sweater that was hers when she was
6 months old, I said, "This was yours when
you were a baby! Now it is for your dolls. Don't
you see why I am sad? You are growing up! You were
this small once upon a time! I miss my itty-bitty
and I boo-hooed some more.
She came over, hugged me and patted me and said,

"Oh, mom, I'm sorry, but I have to grow up!"

1 comment:

Britney said...

How sweet! It's really not fair at all that they have to grow up so fast! What's the hurry anyway??