Friday, May 22, 2009

Ice Cream

This upside down fridge we have!
The freezer on the bottom! This concept
was attractive for me because of my
issues with back pain and bending over.
That pesky disc!
Having the fridge easily accessible
without bending down to the the bottom
shelf: SUPER!
[I also have the dishwasher raised high.]
But the freezer! Royanne can get
hash browns, frozen peas, ice cream,
sausage.....whatever pops in her head. I guess
I am going to have to go back to
the bungee cords!!
I have given up ice cream for the sake
of my weight. I can't stop eating it!
Royanne eats for me.
This day, early afternoon, she decided it
was time for an ice cream snack.

As she snacked, I talked to her about why
she should not get in the fridge by
herself. (yes, I gave in and let the
snack take place!)

She thought maybe using her charm
would get her a free ride.

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