Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Momma's Day

Mother's Day eve, when Bruce came home from
work, he was shuffling around the garage door - I
was finishing up a load of dishes - and he asked
Royanne to go with him to the bedroom. Sometimes
she follows him to the bedroom when he gets home,
he unloads his pockets, might change clothes.
After a few minutes I went down the hall and
he was coaching her to say "Happy Mother's
Day". (I wasn't supposed to be there). She was very
excited and proud in what was happening! He had
snuck flowers in the house in a big box.

After we arranged them in 2 vases, we had a
smelling session.

They were heavenly!

The next morning, Abby and Annie wore
their matching dresses Mimi made for them
to church.
The fabric came from Bruce's mom.

Trying a different spin

on posed picture taking - Ro's idea:
standing on the bench!

Abby spotting Annie so she won't fall
as she climbs up again.

Lisa took a picture of the three of us!

Later, at Mimi's & Kay's for lunch.

Telling funny stories.

Abby loves the baby!


Bekki said...

So is Ro having you call her Annie or is that her nickname?

That was so sweet of Bruce and the flowers! Happy belated Mother's Day!

Royanne's Mom said...

Oh, she came up with that name on her own, she just began calling herself Annie. I call her "Little Ro-Annie", so I guess that's where she got it from.